CSAI2023 | December 8-10, 2023| Beijing, China | Hybrid

Thanks for your suppport to 2023 7th International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence!
In this year, the conference was held onsite in Beijing. The accepted Submissions after peer review from all over the world, such as China, Russia, Japan, USA, Thailand, Malaysia, Ecuador, South Africa, Philippines, Vietnam and so on, are devided into 7 onsite sesssions and 4 online sessions based on authors' willingness. The whole conference has a good atmosphere.
Generally, the conference has provided valuable insights and discussions on the topic at hand. We have heard from various experts and stakeholders, and have gained a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this field. It is clear that there is a need for continued collaboration and innovation to address the issues raised. We hope that the connections made and knowledge shared during this conference will lead to meaningful action and progress in the future. Thank you to all the speakers, organizers, and participants for making this conference a success. We look forward to continuing the conversation and working towards positive change.
We are engaged in holding the onsite conference. Look forward to seeing you at CSAI2024 again.

Distinguished Guests  
In total, there are 7 onsite parallel sessions, and 4 online parallel sessions. One best oral presentation was chosen from each session based on Applicability, Originality, Significance, Visual Aids, Delivery, Timeliness.


Session Group photos


Session 1
AI-193: Keep your Eyes on the Road: Hybrid-Anchor guided Road Perception
Yanan Wang, Xuexu Ma, Zhongmin Wang
Presenter-Yanan Wang
University of Science and Technology Beijing, China

Session 3
AI-295: Data Fusion Optimization and Contribution Assessment of Dual-Polarization Radar Data in Short-Term Forecasting of Convective Precipitation
Guoqing Zhao, Leilei Deng, Zhiyuan Chen and Xianbiao Kang
Presenter-Guoqing Zhao
Civil Aviation Flight University of China, China

Session 5
AI-178: A Method of Predicting the Deposited Film Thickness in IC Fabrication Based on Stacking Ensemble Learning
Jiangchen Wu, Yumeng Shi, Yining Chen
Presenter-Jiangchen Wu
Zhejiang University, China

Session 7
AI-251: Behavior Mining of Robot-Animal Mixed Swarm
Xingyang Cui, Mingxuan Wei and Guannan Li
Presenter- Xingyang Cui
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China

Session B
AI-016: Soil Data Storage Framework based on Blockchain and Improved Merkle Mountain Range
Chufeng Liang, Zhicheng Hong, Zeming Wei, Hua Tang
Presenter-Chufeng Liang
South China Normal University, China

Session D
AI-073: Protection of Access Pattern
Biao Gao, Shijie Jia, Peng Yin, Xueying Zhang
Presenter-Biao Gao
The State Key Laboratory of Information Security, Institute of Information Engineering, CAS, China
Session 2
AI-091: Towards Dual Optimization of Efficiency and Accuracy:Hyper Billion Scale Model Computing Platform for Address Services
Dongxiao Jiang, Hailin Sun, Jiahua Lin, Yanchi Li, Bocheng Xia, Jie Jiang, Xing Sun
Presenter-Dongxiao Jiang
AILab of J&T Express Co., Ltd, China

Sessin 4
AI-049: Design of Digital Air Traffic Management System for Multi-operator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on Digital Twin
Meiliwen WU, Renli LV, Xiangmin GUAN
Presenter-Meiliwen Wu
CAAC Key laboratory of General Aviation Operation (Civil Aviation Management Institute of China), China

Session 6
AI-233: Detection of Financial Fraudulent Activities with Machine Learning:A Case Study of Detecting Potential Tax and Invoice Fraud
Maohong Tian, Jian Liang, Hualin Li, Xintong Zhang, Dequan Zhang and Zuo Wang
Presenter-Hualin Li
ChongQing Institute of Engineering, China

Session A
AI2-025: Study on the Impact of Job Embeddedness on Employee’s Innovative Behavior in Information Technology Industry
Wang Lan,Li Ran
Presenter-Li Ran
Beijing Language and Culture University, China

Session C
AI-237: SkinAACN: An Efficient Skin Lesion Classification Based on Attention Augmented ConvNeXt with Hybrid Loss Function
Abel Zenebe Yutra, Jiangbin Zheng and Xiaoyu Li
Presenter-Abel Zenebe
Northwestern Polytechnical University, China